Här följer ytterligare en intervju med utländska spelare som representerat Visby SK i SCTB, denna gång med FM Michal Bartel som deltagit i den stora merparten av söndagstävlingarna.

- Please present yourself to our members and visitors to the website.
- I am 34 years, FIDE Master from Warsaw, ranked 2262 (peak 2380). I work at the Polish Chess Federation and I am a Manager of Coaching. I am happy that my hobby is also my job.
- You grew up in a chess-playing family, how has that affected you on and off the board?
- On the board it was not easy in the beginning of my chess career. My elder brother is a very gifted player and won many medals (4 times Polish Champion, Gold Medallist at the Chess Olympiad, winner of the Aeroflot Open etc), starting from the Polish Championship U10. I was a decent young player but I was unable to catch my brother and it was quite discouraging to me. I stopped my professional career and I focused on school and studies. After graduation I was offered a job at the Polish Chess Federation and I can do some good stuff for the whole Polish community. Off the board chess gave me a lot of friends around the world and I visited beautiful places - I am sure that almost all chess players would say so.
- How would you describe your style of play?
- I always considered myself as an attacking player with some tactical skills. Recently I changed my style and now I am a more positional player (OTB). One thing remains the same - I play quickly and always try to take advantage on time. It is especially a good weapon in blitz games (OTB and online).
- Preferred openings and type of positions?
- One of my favourite openings is the Modern Benoni but it is a love-hate relationship. With white I like the Rossolimo where I managed to beat some titled players (for example Anton Korobov in the European Rapid Championships).
- What are your greatest achievements in chess?
- My best performance was at Neckar Open 2010 (shared 12th place amongst 400 participants) where I almost achieved a GM norm. I won the Polish Super Cup with the legendary Polonia Plus GSM Team in 2004. I was on the team with Boris Gelfand, Bartek Macieja and Bartosz Socko, with me on the junior board.
- You have been a regular member of the Visby team throughout all seasons of SCTB (Swedish Chess Team Battle), even participating successfully a couple times in the summer though you played from your cell phone with a limited internet connection. What features of the tournament make you return to play every Sunday?
- I love chess and I can play all the time! However playing for something (not just for fun) is much more exciting. Wojciech Moranda, Dawid Czerw and especially Marcel Kanarek are friends of mine, but I can't wait to meet and get familiar with the rest of a team.
- You have online ratings of approximately 2500-2600 in bullet and blitz, what advice can you give the readers on becoming a better blitz player?
- Tactics, tactics, tactics! Before each tournament I do some tactics and puzzle rush on chess.com and then I see much more! Initiative and time advantage plays a key role in blitz - that's why in blitz I play aggressively and fast.
- Finally, what are your thoughts on the team’s chances in the final round on Sunday?
- With our best line-up we can beat them all!